Monday, April 27, 2009

3 more days.

Somehow I'm worrying that no one will celebrate the end of the exams with me.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's up with the weather nowdays? The sticky feeling is killing me.

An eventful Saturday. Rather than the usual 'study-alone-by-myself' day, I somehow bump into people throughout the day. I usually study alone, or with people that is focused enough, so that I won't get distracted. And for someone that talks alot, she sure focus well.

I somehow able to finish the polymer examination paper with 15 minutes to spare. Somehow when the paper is easy, you worry about the bell curve. But when it's difficult, you worry about not passing.

One week's break before the next two papers. Like one on a journey, there's a need for some rest before the final stretch.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Time indeed ran out on me for this paper. I wouldn't say that it's easy but most questions are manageable. This should be a two and a half hour paper.

3 days to the next paper. This weekend is going to be horrible.

Saturday, April 11, 2009