Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Those who study any mathematics related subjects should know that there are tons of formulae to use. And for some examinations, you will have these formulae given to you.

For the physics examination, the prof actually mentioned that formulae will be given so many forumlae were not memorised. So naturally everyone will take a look at the formulae list given for the past year exam papers and note down which isn't given.

Now the funny thing here is that for this year's examination, many of the needed formulae isn't given, and those that are given were not used for the examination.

Damn you Chen Lang!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Finally OVER!

Yay! Been looking forward to this day ever since the first day of the exams. I hope that the sudden change from mugging for exams to lobo'ing at home for the next few days/weeks won't have that great an effect on my life.

Updates to be followed soon. Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cold Turkey

I guess somebody have the idea that turning the air conditioning on will create a conducive environment to do an exam paper.

Not if its feels like under 23 degrees. And its much worse than the freezing CAC Room during the wrapping of Valentine's roses.

Requesting the invigilator to turn down the air conditioning yields a reply of:
"Maybe next time you should bring scarves and gloves." - very funny...

Maybe I borrow the jacket wore by my cousin when he went Harbin when there's any more papers at the SRC.


Sunday, April 13, 2008


It's two days before the maths and I got to admit that studying for maths for a week has definitely burnt me out. Lazing around the house for a day and half certainly had made me guilty. At least I'm all the more ready to push all the way until the start of the paper.

Let's hope that there isn't a reenactment of last semester's maths paper, I can't afford a half an hour headstart for everyone else.
