Saturday, August 29, 2009

im outta time


Either that or there isnt any motivation to write something here. So show me that somebodys still readings this by tagging on the tagboard (shameless attention whoring)

Skipped all the tutorials this week, i mean whats the use of attending them if im not even prepared for them.

Rock song in acapella? Bad idea. At least i didnt made anyone thats listening feel like chopping their ears off. I feel that people doing the comments are being friendly.

Wheres the real constructive remarks?

Maybe thats why Noel left Oasis because i butchered their song during my presentation.

Somehow my ability to screw up stuff reached greater heights. Think first then speak, not the other way round. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. To me, the mouth is even mightier than the pen.


You should seriously go read what people actually write on their nomination forms.

Perhaps its not such a good idea for someone that couldnt even construct proper sentences be in charge of publications.

Note the pattern of mainly non-Singaporeans running for Union Representatives?

Murphy's Law in action once again. Why is it that when you want to sneak out of the house (dont ask, its not what you think it is), your parents decide to sleep really late that night.


How come everyone thats single is getting 'oh youre so old already better find a girlfriend soon' messages. The problem is, how come im not getting them?

Unless they predict that i will remind single for my entire life (high probability of that happening, according to danny).