Send Danny a Postcard
Two blog posts in quick succession, that means Im terribly bored!
My mother made a comment on the way I look is somehow comparable to the number of days spent at home.
Clean shaven Danny means that I had went out at least once within 24 hours
Caveman Danny (with the entire facial hair set up) means that I had not been out of my house for the past 1 day.
Dont anyone find it troublesome to keep a clean shaven face? I do! But I have to do it because I look damn funny with facial hair and it ages me by at least 5 years. Many are saying that I'm already in my fourth year, I'm not THAT old alright?! Everyone's going overseas for their summer hols, guess who's not?
That's why Im like asking anyone that i know to send me a postcard when theyre overseas.
The above is from Kahhui. From his almost unreadable handwritting, I can see that he's really having a ball over in Hokkaido. I wonder what does 'people here are fantastic' mean? hahahha.
Anyway he's back and Ive yet to see him. I heard he came to the PC Show and he didnt even visited me on the sixth floor. Now I have some reservations on whether to make that 'contribution' to FOC hahahhaa.
Yeah, I know my address's on the postcard. So send me one if youre reading this and having a blast overseas!
Please have a clearer display picture for your facebook account? Preferably one that shows your face so that I know who's adding me. Not that Im popular or anything but I dont normally add people that Im not familiar with.
Somehow people are just adding me to increase their friend count. Secondary school classmates that NEVER talked to me in my four years there are starting to add me. It's called 'friends' for a reason!!!
(The above doesnt apply if youre a pretty girl. Yes, I'm that pragmatic!)