Let's start on a Sunday where we had a gathering of the OG, organised by sengs. Went to a boardgame store (someone got to give a name to these kind of places), similar to your Mind Cafe and Settler's, on Second Avenue.
Everyone's like complaining the ulu'ness of the place, but it's fine with me because I'm real familiar with the entire stretch of Bukit Timah/Dunearn Road from my days travelling to the novena area.
The food's just mediocre. The mushroom soup sucks, too mushroom-y for my palate. The boardgames and cards are in great condition.
Go to their website for more information. I think due to its ulu'ness it's easier to get seats, but the place's rather small.
Seniors "due to manpower constrains" camp on the following day.
Pictures on facebook, go search under jiahe's albums.

Met a bunch of interesting people from afth and naf. The first day was spent running around campus. Camo cream overkill. Got to know LT 19A inside out. Stepped into innovation centre for the first time since i came to ntu. Some trees isnt a good description for a location. Went home at night to sleep on my comfortable bed =) I dont think i missed anything in the night because almost my entire group went home and the rest probably will be hanging with their own groups within cac.
Four more joined the group on the second due to our pathetic number. Tested amazing race. Island creamery wasnt opened when we reached serene centre =( Long wait at the botanic gardens. Had a filling lunch at BK before doing some jumping (ughhhh) and even more eating (ughhhhhhhh) right after that. Managed to finish second! A great suprise since we set off from school second from last.
Confidence walk in the graveyard at 8pm. Paired up with danielle and missed out 2/3 of the route as we skipped the first station. Rather suprised that she will talk about that with me.
To sum it all up: I'm glad that i'm not a sub com programmer!
Noticed someone having a mood swing during those two days. And nobody's telling me ANYTHING!!!
Federer better win this year's french open.
Nadal out. Murray out. Djokovic out.
It's like the whole thing's rigged.