Sunday, March 29, 2009

Danny is selfish - sorta

Maybe I should question myself for being in school on a Sunday afternoon if I'm logging in and blogging instead of focusing on my work. There isn't anywhere on campus that's within walkable distance from North Spine for dinner which means I have to get those that will be coming later to buy dinner.


Friday night Black and (hardly any) Bling. I still can't get into the spirit of camwhoring which explains the lack of photos lately. Maybe it's the lighting, contact lenses and hat, many don't recognise me. One of my JC mates actually took like 5 whole seconds before recognising me when I said 'hi' to him. Mr Han, didn't even acknowledged me when I looked to his direction. I guess I really looked that different? And I hope it's in a positive manner!

Now if you look towards the screen in the background, it's a picture of my OG during my freshmen year! I just discovered that while looking through the picutres.

If you're wondering which idiot wore a hat to that event, it's ME!!! Somehow wearing a hat to such an event isn't very smart because everyone that knows you will either hit you on the head (which I'm okay with), or take your hat off so that they can take photos with it.

Now, I will oblige to lending my hat if you asked nicely. Taking the hat off without asking, that's not every nice. And if I lend you my hat, don't you have to ask the owner if someone else wants to borrow it? Basic courtesy, anyone? Plus it isn't like once or twice, it happened throughout the entire event.

And yes, I got rather pissed off towards the end of the event (if it's not obvious enough).

Supper actually saved the day for me, otherwise I would had felt that the time was wasted that night. Didn't really got into the mood for clubbing because Phuture was freaking packed, I couldn't even walk onto the dancefloor. However, I knew that AK, Trent and CBE-Shaun (spelt that way?) had a great time 'dancing', for lack of better terms, with half drunk girls.

Nobody's gonna save me
And afterall, I'm my own Wonderwall