Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Randomness III

See Man came and left. Too bad her arrival is damn smack in the middle of the exam period, can't really do much. Until next year then, make sure that you plan in advance! (Exams for next semester are in Apr/May)

Weather's turning chilly these few days, with showers expected for the entire week. Bring a jacket, scarf and ear muffs for those exam halls and library mugging sessions. It's like winter in there!

You know you're in trouble when:

a. You read the notes but you got no idea what they are trying to convey. Information is just scattered everywhere in the notes. I'm looking at you, HR Management and Entrepreneurship.

b. You understood the notes but attempt at the past year exam papers shows that the knowledge you have just scratches the surface. Manipulation of formulaes and in depth understanding are key to doing well in the paper.

It's just like not only you have to know how to prepare a great tasting plate of Chicken Rice, but you also must know how to rear the damn chickens in the first place. Ok, bad analogy but I guess you get the idea. I hope that I can learn how to rear the chickens in time for my Thermo-die-namics exams.

And for the double whammy, they're both on the same week, with just a pathetic day apart.

Our work is never over...