Two Weeks
Quizzes are finally over. Somehow I just feel that I didn't really perform as well as I hope to. I guess there's a certain distinction between doing well and wanting to do well.
I think I'm in this phase of my life where I really got this desire to do well academically. Some background, I never played hard in primary school, breezed through secondary school and slacked through my JC years.
I've actually got this essay draft that's due tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon but I just can't start. I got no idea as to how to tackle the essay question. I know that's it's a really basic GP question but unlike most GP essays in JC, there's this need to cite references and I can't find those that really support my case.
I don't think anyone is here to read gloomy entries. Here's what Danny is up to over the past few days.
Recess week:
Had a small gathering with the FOC group over at East Coast Park.
Funny thing about a certain underpass to ECP. Before entering, Wei Chiat said that the underpass always stink when he uses it and there's a mild stench of poop when we entered it. However, everyone's running when they're approached the center of the underpass, 'cos the smell is overwhelming. I didn't run, because it's not cool to run, I merely walked briskly.
Now that's like only part one of the 'smelly underpass' incident. Part two happened when Rosa was on the phone with Mr Han, who's crossing the underpass at the same time.
She said something along the line of "The underpass is smelly!"
Mr Han replied "Where got?"
And they continued talking for another few minutes until Mr Han said "Wah, it's really smelly!"One can 'smell' the underpass like the curve above.
Did/found out the following things:
Butt pain due to cycling like close to 3 hours.
Saw a really tired dog playing ball in the waters.
MJ's is having fun with 'holiday'.
Saw a few NTU people, including Kian Huat's hall friend.
Andrew's poor attempt at rollerblading.
BBQ's tiring when you're the one cooking.
Dogs are always attention magnets.
CAC people REALLY like to get their pictures taken.
Overdose of hotdogs and chicken wings.
The losers always remains losing when playing 'Asshole Daidee'.
Pictures at Prawn's Website, more on facebook (look in Steph's albums).
Mugged for the rest of the week and wondering why are some people so free.
2 Oct 09
Had 'cohesion dinner' with the Business Manager Team on Thursday at the Palette. More than half of the team came, which is a good sign (I hope).
Actually I was wanted to give it a miss due to my quiz on the following day. But Joel 'defeated' me with the following line:
"Oh I also got a quiz tomorrow."
The funny thing is that Joel didn't know that there's this electronic number board, something like those queue number system you have in Canteen 14 (or is it 15?) and ended up waiting for the order at the counter with Barath and Yojit. I did the clever thing and went back to my seat and 'entertained' the rest of the team.
The food was above my expectations. And it didn't cost a single cent, all thanks to Joel. It ended later than I really wanted to, as I really wanted to study for my quiz. But in the end, I think that it's time rather well spent.
3 Oct 09
First driving lesson. Clutch work is alot difficult than expected. It's like you have to do so many things at once while driving and the road looks different when you're behind the steering wheel.
Can't wait for my next lesson though. Need to get the hang of the pedals.
Many find blogs with pictures are more interesting that those that don't (like mine). I mean look at either Kian Huat, Joyce or Prawn's blogs which are full of pictures. I somehow think that they bring their camera everywhere they go and takes pictures whenever an opportunity arises.
I know that I don't normally pick up my phone when I'm at home. It's because hardly anyone messages or calls me and it's usually the other way round. So I don't check my phone that frequently (sometimes, never) when I'm at home. I hope those missed calls on my phone isn't that urgent..
Our work is never over