Monday, October 27, 2008


It's hard to think of titles for posts 'cos of the way I think and write - randomly.

Heard Zhou Jie Lun's newest album. I wasn't impressed. Musically, it's the same and you can't make out the what in the world is he mumbling. In fact, I think this is one of his more 'mumblish' albums. I mean there's just so much similar songs you can take before people grows tired of you, for me this seems to be it. Then again, when you're have a large fanbase, you can put out sub-par albums and people will still buy them.


Is life in universtiy that stressful? I've met some people that seems to be hit with depression. Talk to your friends or family about your problem. It doesn't help bottling things up.


Five years since I've last chatted with you online. Time really flies eh?


Anyways, Happy Light Festivals to who ever is reading this. You shouldn't if you're in NTU, because you should be studying for your exams!

A shout out to Mingjun, Happy 22nd! Maybe your next one be much better (this doesn't only apply to your birthday *hint*).


Now it's time for me to head back to my cave...

Maybe that's how I'll look like after the exams are over!

Our work is never over