Saturday, October 18, 2008

Murphy's Law

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way" - Murphy's Law

It looks like Murphy's Law is in full effect for me these few week. It's just like things aren't really going my way. Maybe I'm accumulating all the bad luck now and then things will get better during the exams period. You know, equilibrium effect?

Anyway I'm finally done with the HRM project. I somehow feel that the real work was done in the last two days. So what's happening in the first few weeks? I don't know, it's like everybody are running around like headless chickens, unsure of the direction that we are supposedly going. The thing is that no one seems to be worried about the project in the initial stages until like the week before the submission of the project.

Another thing I've noticed during the project was the lack of a central place where there will be free electricity and internet access for project meetings. Coffee chains are normally crowded and you can't really make much noise in the libraries. So how? We decided (reluctantly) to meet up in SMU for the project discussion. The funny thing is people will say SMU but have no idea how large SMU is. It's like saying 'Let's meet at downtown' but not specifying which building to meet at. On top of that, more time is spent trying to figure out how to connect to the internet rather than doing the project itself.

All in all, it's a relatively frustrating project for me. Maybe I'm not really made for group projects or maybe my standards are set rather high for myself and it sort of applies to the rest of the group members.

Talking about members, I've attended this CAC Members' Night like on thursday. One word to describe it - 'BORING'. It's more like an event where everyone of the special events members interacts within their own special events. Maybe they should just name it CAC 'Get to know your own team members' Night.


Something Joel said that made me think abit, he said that it's difficult to determine whether you should go after someone based on looks only.

So you should go for character instead? Rubbish.

How you going to find more about someone's character if you don't even have the interest to know that somebody? The determining factor is still whether someone's looks is deem attractive enough for you to find out more about him/her.

(I know I sound incoherent. I'm just typing what's in my mind at the moment. And Danny thinks in such a disorderly manner)


About the post below? Don't read too much into it. It's most likely not what you think it is. Seriously.

Our work is never over