The Waiting Game
Camp sure is fun, while the GLs are playing the actual games and getting all messy and smelly, the programmers are playing a totally different game - the waiting game.Sure, of course everything have to be ready before the participants are on location and some waiting are inevitable, but waiting for hours and alone? NOT COOL.
At least I am lucky. I got a tutorial room with the air conditioning working, but in exchange for that I'm pretty much separated from the rest of the group (those in the know will understand). I heard Alex pretty got crazy by waiting in some stuffy tutorial room. But I still think that my luck could even be much better.
I got a bad feeling that the actual camp will even be worse.
Know what's a love-hate relationship? I love using the dove shower foam due to its moisturising property, but it makes me smell like a girl. Why didn't they create something that smells more 'neutral'?