Show Me the Money
My job is NOT fun. It makes me realise that most temp jobs involve mindless repetitions. Maybe its me, but I feel that talking about income tax is more fun than making calls to check whether the listed telephone number is correct.
Anyway noted some company names that are especially funny. There's this Triple H Construction Company. Maybe instead of those bangla workers, their workers all look like this:(He's a wrestler that goes by the name of Triple H)
Work will be done at half the time, but it will cost more because of the steroids needed.
Another thing is that some companies actually hire Filipinos to man their phone lines and they address their owners as either 'Sir' (with heavy Pinoy accent) and 'M'am'. Maybe they somehow got their maids to look after their house and business at the same time.
And there's these Chinese construction companies that are based in Singapore. They couldn't speak a word of English and you have to explain everything in chinese so that can understand. With my lousy chinese, it's almost like a duck talking to a chicken.
But the worst has to be the bitchy phone operators. I mean if you don't wish to disclose any information regarding your employees, then say it in a nice way.
The pay is only at of this end of the month so don't expect me to give any treats.
Speaking of results, I did better than last semester's but it's still not enough to pull myself into the CGPA range that I wanted. Oh wells, another semester to improve it! =)