Friday, May 23, 2008

Go Straight to the Point!

I know that it's not really a desirable job but do you have to spin up a story just to 'sell' your job to people?

Went for a job interview this afternoon. In the beginning when asked about the job, the interviewer side stepped and mentioned the company as working on projects and such. Currently the company is doing some marketing project.

"So you have to carry a clipboard and walk around asking people to do a survey?"

"Yea, something like that."

Gosh. Just say that it's a survey job lah...


Currently listening to:

The breakout hit 'Mercy' contains energy that makes you get your arse off your chair and dance. However, the rest of the album actually contains songs sang with a soulful voice.

Songs that I like: Rockferry, Warwick Avenue, Stepping Stone and Mercy.