Okay, finally finished this entry, it took abit too long...
Remembered the last time I went to HK and kidnapped my ex-classmate? She had returned on a debt collecting trip and we managed to meet up on some days. I'll try to recollect some of the specifics as much as possible cos it's really quite awhile ago.
Look how happy she is, as she manages to get hold of those who owes her money.
Kah Hui and I went to the airport like around 1am to pick See Man up from the airport. The flight was actually scheduled to land in Singapore much earlier but was delayed when flying from the States. See Man arrived with tons of donuts from Krispy Kreme which her friends ordered. The funny thing is that she mentioned that the airport outlet has lots of Singaporeans queuing up for the donuts and Hong Konger doesn't patronise them.
Fast forward a few days and we had our mini class gathering at Clarke Quay. Funny thing is that almost none of them knew where the Settler's Cafe branch is at Clarke Quay and many got lost. Maybe should meet at the train station instead =P.
After some games, we headed down to Waraku at Central for dinner. The stuff there definitely tastes tons better as compared to Ajisen (due to the price difference I guess).
The serving there is rather huge with bowls the size of a face basin! It looks even bigger after Yvonne did her 'try-to-make-her-face-smaller' pose. Note someone trying to steal the limelight.
Kah Hui brought us to a Jazz Bar to have some drinks (I think we all know his REAL intentions =D) and out of the sudden, there was this talk about Mahjong and we all decided to go for a Mahjong session at Zhiqi's house. Somehow Kian Huat was attracted to Zhiqi's house once he knew that there is going to be some Mahjong. Kelvin also managed to get Amanda, who was going to join us at the Jazz Bar.
A mini gambling den is rolled out at Zhiqi's house with two tables of mahjong. One for the noobs (like me) and the lao jiaos (like Kian Huat and See Man).
Kian Huat got into majority of the photos. Look how he got his smile exactly the same each time, must be the pageant training.
Zhiqi's JRT, Froxy (I hope I get it right), is crazy for See Man. He 'rode' (for lack of better words) on See Man's foot when she's here last year and tried doing the same thing this time round, even when he's castrated!
Wednesday night we went to Holland Village. The whole place seems to be totally different from the fast-pace'iness of Orchard Road and Clarke Quay, possibly due to the lower traffic of people and it being in the middle of a housing estate.
We tried Hog's Breath which serves good (but not fantastic) steaks. It's not cheap though, one plate could easily set you back 40+ bucks. The kitchen stuff have to get their consistency of how cooked the beef is.
Both See Man and I ordered medium-rare steaks and hers looks rare while mine looks medium. I complained (one of S'poreans' pasttimes) and they got me another plate, even when I ate like a third of the steak. Now, that's good service (I hope they didn't spit in my steak haha)!
Then we headed to Wala-wala for some drinks and music. I love the place, the entire place is laid back and there's a live band playing almost every night. The lead singer for that day sure looks like Kian Huat after having a few sips from the bottle.
Note the funny looking bottle Kah Hui is holding, it's some Canadian beer and he told me it tasted quite lousy. I guess I'll stick to Stellas when I'm in a bar.
And now for the main event! Pigs seemed to have grown wings and soared to the skies 'cos (insert drumrolls) Tien Soon is actually giving a treat! Karaoke session at Marina KBox before the actual treat.
Eh, why the cup size (not that cup size, you filthy people) of the colas is different? It's obviously different lor.
Tien Soon treats dinner and luckily it's at the affordable Asian Kitchen at Citylink Mall.
Pictures for Kin Fatt to enjoy using his eyes. heh
I must say that the sauce used for the soft shell crab sure goes pretty well with a bowl of white rice.The yao gui side of me looks on as Kah Hui munches down a wanton.
I guess the picture speaks for itself, I hope we didn't empty his savings. (Actually he gamely took the picture when told so, he isn't that unhappy when treating us)
Look at the camera if you're happy! Since full stomachs = happy people, those two in the background aren't happy 'cos they are in the midst of eating. (Hey I'm trying to add some lines to the picture, okay)
Kah Hui has a funny way of wiping his mouth. He does it daintily.
I wonder why they prefer posing with the tissue paper of Ben & Jerry's rather than the ice cream. Kian Huat joined us after his pageant shoot and shared interesting stories (that are 90% true) of Tien Soon in Hall 14.
I guess Kian Huat is pissed at Tien Soon 'cos he wasn't included in the dinner treat.
ZOMG, Kian Huat is able to create fire from his hands!The problem about using matchsticks instead of lighters to light up sparklers is that it takes too long to do it. Unglam photo of us squatting around the flame so that the wind won't blow out the puny flame on the matchstick.
NGs in creating the word 'Sexy'. Must be describing me, teh sexy beast.
4D inspirations anyone?
On another day, See Man crashed NTU to experience our boring lecturers. After suffering an hour of multiple variables, we went to Ah Fang to have lunch.
Tien Soon does his best imitation of a shop helper. "Eh ah boy, got order chicken rice or not?"
As See Man helps to bring the stuff to the table...
... Janice and Regina decides to camwhore, aiyoh cannot help meh?
Had lunch at the airport before See Man flies off. I thought I was late and took a cab from my home in Bt Batok, only to discover that the others were late upon arrival at the airport. *grumbles*
Had lunch at the Soup Restaurant in terminal 2. Ironically, the soup isn't fantastic but the chicken was.Spot the one who's trying very hard to make his/her eyes larger (hint: not Kah Hui)!
One last shot before boarding the flight.
I have to say that See Man has the ability of bringing our class together with her trips back to Singapore. With her around, class gatherings isn't just limited to the Cath High guys, Kah Hui and me.
Even though with technology enabling communication with friends overseas, talking face-to-face is still the best form of interaction.
Hope to see you soon (maybe in HK or Taiwan during the hols)!