Staring blankly at the slides, doodling on the notes and sleeping during the boring parts of lectures. It only meant that the normal school routine is coming back to me after that 1+ month of holidays.

Speaking of normal, the STARS server is overloaded with people trying to do adjustments to their timetable. At 10am, its like the hungry ghosts have exited the gates of hell during the seventh lunar month, everyone seems to be logging into Stars at the same time. With a good reason too, its like playing fastest finger first, the faster you enter the server and key in the index number, the higher chance of getting that particular course/timeslot. Obviously, the 830am lessons are not that popular and you can see their numbers increasing rapidly in the STARS Planner.
What I don't really like about the course registration in NTU is that the planner and STARS itself are two different system, meaning that you have to refer back to the planner for the course code and timing, then go back to STARS to key in for the course/timeslot that you want. Maybe they should integrate both so that there isn't any redundant steps.
Another thing is that you don't register the by using the course code, but by using the index number of the particular timeslot. Getting confused? So am I! During the add/drop period, there are too many a time where I have to refer back to the planner to get the particular index number I was allocated with initially AND the index number I want to change to and due to the way the planner works, you can't see both index number at one time. Sounds tiring? You betcha!
And many thanks to the email that was sent out from the MSE office. It was mentioned that the add/drop period is only on one day instead of a long period of days, which prompted many freshman (like me) to panic on that particular day.
No wonder I'm seeing STARS.
P.S: Oh I've managed to squeeze out a free day on Wed. YAY!