"It's Always Better on Holiday"
Exams are finally over (and this post is overdue)!
And its time for "This Semester in Review"
1) Is it me but are the air conditioning waaaaay too cold? Visit Library 2 and you will understand what I mean. Almost everyone is dressed up in sweaters/jackets/windbreakers. I bet that it snows there after dark.
2) Where's the number one place to take a nap? Its the library duh! Its quiet and its cold - I think there are more people napping in the library than studying. And it gets pretty annoying when you really need a table to study that oh-so-important-precession-that-you-don't-understand-at-all topic. Maybe the thick textbooks makes great pillows, you know those hard pillows in period shows? Guess that's how "Sleep on it"came about.
3) Library 2 is a great place to study - if you can stand the cold. I always hang out at the tables in the Reserve Book Room (which is really not a room per se) as they will always have the newest textbooks available and its really quiet, unless you got a bunch of kids who discuss their work there.
4) And why I keep on harping about Library 2? If you get lectures that are at a pace where you can't follow, you definitely need to refer to textbooks. Like I had mentioned in my old posts, I'm way too el cheapo to buy the oh-so-expensive textbooks. Furthermore, I can't possible study at home where there are too much distractions.
Now on to other things:The latest Jay Chou album came out and like the album title, <<我很忙>>, he's so busy that the album length has begin reduced to under 40 minutes. After attempts at clearer singing diction in his past album, the old mumbling Jay style is back.
The ballads are the better songs on the albums.
Songs I like on the album:
Some of songs are pretty lame like <<牛仔很忙>> and <<阳光宅男>>, but he's Jay Chou and he gets off doing things like that.
Has anyone saw the MV for <<阳光宅男>>? Who's the girl in the MV?
Oh yea, did I mention that my father bought a PSP Slim? Too bad he got a black PSP which is easily stained by my grubby little hands. Its a 'pocket friendly version' which means that I can enjoy games after like a few days of wait. Not that there are tons of games available when compared to GBA, but I'm not complaining since I didn't spent a single cent on it (:
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, which is an updated version of Final Fantasy Tactics on the Playstation. Quite addictive as I've clocked in like 20 hours within 4 days.
Time to relax after such a stressful semester and at least I can put my mind aside on schoolwork until the registration of subjects and the the dreaded release of results.
Anyone saw how England crashed out the European Qualifiers with a whimper? After that defeat of Russia on Israeli home ground, the ball seems to be on England's court but they blew it with a 2-3 loss to Croatia. Maybe its because of the screw up of the Croatia National Anthem by the singer where he sang 'Mila kura si planina' which can be interpreted as 'My dear, my penis is a mountain'.
Guess that's all I'll write for now, remember - "It's Always Better on Holiday" (: