HK: 5 - 7 Jul 07
Some pictures taken in Hong Kong on my mobile phone (its a N73).
This is taken at Wan Chai MTR station. Pretty neat huh? The MTR is the equivalent to our MRT. I think I must had spent like 10% of my time on the MTR due to the travelling.
Look at the queue outside an Louis Vuitton Store (okay you got to zoom in). The queue reminded me of the Donut Factory queue in Singapore. We actually found out that the queue is for some limited edition of those re-usable bag (you know, those bags Cold Storage sells on Bring Your Own Bag days).
Edit: They are actually queuing for the Anya Hindmarch 'I'm Not A Plastic Bag' bag instead of a Louis Vuitton Bag. Looking back there isn't a queue for Louis Vuitton but the guy at the door refused to let us in judging from the way we are dressed in.Oh yea, speaking of donuts, this is actually taken for those who queue up hours at those different donut stores in Singapore. :D Hong Kong has Krispy Kreme outlets and I got ONE glazed donut in like ONE MINUTE.
Here's the view of Hong Kong overlooking Victoria Habour from the Kowloon side. This is taken like minutes before the light show at 8pm so there's like tons of people in the area. Since we went like in the week of the 10th Anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong, they actually had fireworks instead of the normal light show.
Another shot of Hong Kong from the Peak. The view is rather clear because it just rained.
The desserts in Hong Kong are to die for. They tasted tons better than those eaten in Singapore. I had Mango Sago in Mango Juice. Seems like overkill of mango huh? Note that I had this like around 12:30am. Stores closes late at 11-ish and the last MTR train is at 1am. Contrast that to Singapore where nothing much stays opened at around 10pm.
Ok that's all I have until I get all the photos from Kah Hui.