So What Happened?
In no particular order:
ArtJam, Marmi Pork, Nike Walk, Assignments, Presentations, Quizzes, O Sole Mio, Brown Wrapping Paper, Lost in Bukit Timah and so many many many many many many birthdays.
21 Days.
(im scared)
In no particular order:
ArtJam, Marmi Pork, Nike Walk, Assignments, Presentations, Quizzes, O Sole Mio, Brown Wrapping Paper, Lost in Bukit Timah and so many many many many many many birthdays.
21 Days.
(im scared)
10:39 PM
Photos hijacked from Jiahe.
Somehow I felt that I got to talk about one of the defining phases of my life in NTU.
I'm in the CAC 19th Exco as the publication director. And sometime I even think that I'm crazy because theres an internship coming up for the next semester.
The work has started to set in, the checking of the members list, looking for people to do their job, making sure that they do their job and the neverending number of meetings.
And to really appreciate the work behind the scenes, one have to experience it themselves. And boy, its not just art jam that i have to worry about. The entire HR management aspect of it is simply killing me. For those that knows me, im very prone to speaking my mind without putting in any thoughts, not good for someone doing HR at all!
Ok, im not complaining and im sure that once im at the end of my term, i'll look back and say that i had fun.
7:13 PM
ok, so theres still people reading this.
anyway had a a quiz which i wasnt fully prepared for. i cant really say that i dont have time. lets say that i didnt manage my time well.
oh, for those that are reading. art jam is still running the post secrets section and i will like YOU to contribute. go here for more information. im not sure whether the uploading mechanism works on that website. either pass them to someone thats heading to the cac room or just mail it to:
Art Jam Editor
Cultural Actitivties Club
C/O Student Affairs Office
Student Services Centre
642 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639815
help out okay? do send me a post secret!
5:00 PM
Either that or there isnt any motivation to write something here. So show me that somebodys still readings this by tagging on the tagboard (shameless attention whoring)
Skipped all the tutorials this week, i mean whats the use of attending them if im not even prepared for them.
Rock song in acapella? Bad idea. At least i didnt made anyone thats listening feel like chopping their ears off. I feel that people doing the comments are being friendly.
Wheres the real constructive remarks?
Maybe thats why Noel left Oasis because i butchered their song during my presentation.
Somehow my ability to screw up stuff reached greater heights. Think first then speak, not the other way round. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. To me, the mouth is even mightier than the pen.
You should seriously go read what people actually write on their nomination forms.
Perhaps its not such a good idea for someone that couldnt even construct proper sentences be in charge of publications.
Note the pattern of mainly non-Singaporeans running for Union Representatives?
Murphy's Law in action once again. Why is it that when you want to sneak out of the house (dont ask, its not what you think it is), your parents decide to sleep really late that night.
How come everyone thats single is getting 'oh youre so old already better find a girlfriend soon' messages. The problem is, how come im not getting them?
Unless they predict that i will remind single for my entire life (high probability of that happening, according to danny).
11:37 PM
I know that i shouldnt be affected by such trivial matter but its in my head for the past few hours.
Others' emotions affect me. I should be really happy right now due to my shortlisting but somehow im not. And its emotions of someone that isnt that close to me to begin with!
What's wrong with me? cheer up okay?
1:12 AM
In case you dont get it, the guy in glasses is the same.
So you know your music, but it doesnt mean that you can sing. I went for this choir elective audition where there's this guy that's going
'oh he's a semitone flat'
'hmmm, he cant follow the rhythm at all'
throughout the entire audition. And hes loud enough to be heard from the piano.
Unless hes a really good singer, I seriously think that he should keep his remarks to himself, or share them with his friend discretely.
One's a real slacker that doesnt attend lessons and another has girlfriend duties. Coming soon: Lunch Alone.
Yeah you can easily say 'just get other friends to have lunch with you.'
Easily said then done. Everyone has their clique thats formed over two years in mse. Its difficult to break into a tightly-knitted group and knowing myself, its even tougher due to my personality.
Had this weird sense of deja vu. Feels exactly like the chief programmer situation last year.
Offered something - Check
Someone else with better qualifications coming into picture - Check
Offered a deputy position - I really hope not
If im underqualified in everything that im trying for, then theres no way that im ever going to be qualified for anything if nobody gives me this break.
Never compromise in what you believe in.
11:47 PM
A break from FOC.
School's started. Not much excitement for the first day. Frankly speaking, i didnt spent much time on the spine today due to my early morning elective at ADM, which was really interesting, and lunch at canteen 2.
Lectures really boring, i'm still on the sleep at 2am and wake up at 2pm schedule. And add in OJT's sleep inducing voice, its no wonder that 20% of the lecture hall fell asleep.
Wednesday's going to be crazy. 5 hours break. Somehow i got a feeling that will be like my mugging session when the mid-terms start.
4:42 PM